Monday, October 31, 2005

Did You Know Libraries Have Books For Free!?!?

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There is a giant evil pumpkin outside the courthouse in downtown Evansville. And it's about to eat Donovan and Rory! OH NO!!! I better take a picture!

I have a lot of political whatnot going on in my head these days. Blame Ann Coulter. No... it's not her fault. It was there before I had ever read anything by her. Now I'm just more informed. I do not, however, feel like talking about it right now, since I've now read like 700 pages straight of Ann Coulter. I just need to read How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must), and then I'll have read every book she's written. Then I'm reading The Pilgrim's Progress, then C.S. Lewis or Robert Heinlein. This isn't meant to impress you, so don't go getting that idea. It's meant to give my friends (Jon, DD, etc.) a reading list if they ever feel inclined to, you know, read ;-). I recommend you start with Ayn Rand.

I know this is kind of pathetic, but I don't have a copy of the Bible at my apartment. I need to get me one of those as well. Also, I'm taking suggestions for potential reading in the future, if anybody has anything you think I should read. On my list right now:


Anonymous said...

twas a fun weekend indeed, wish we could have spent longer out there. Purdue is boring as ever and it was nice to have a brief respite from all this. hopefully once i can get the cash flow we'll be out there again to see the most exciting city ever on a saturday afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Digital Fortress by Dan Brown....if you havent read it already -M

Anonymous said...

Another great book well worth some time is Wild at Heart by John Eldredge...