I AM, however, excited about buyin' me some beer! Perfect weather for drinkin', that's fer damn sure!

"That's why Donovan drinks cool, refreshing Keystone Light..."

One of my favorite qualities of beer is that it invariably engages me in an exploration of the many intricate wonders of music. I thought it was just me, but here's Donovan (my roommate from Purdue, by the way, for those of you who don't know him) in the midst of his own musical epiphany.
Of course, we all know that beer does have its downfalls. Well.... ok... maybe it has downfalls for some people, but I've never experienced them myself. Here's a good example, though.
That's right, kids. Drink beer. Everybody's doin' it.
And in conclusion.... IN conclusion... the greatest band ever... Phish.
i knew your bday was coming up...the 22nd right? youll join the ranks of donovan and i falling in third just shy of dd and younger than me by 3 months. if there is something that i can do to help you celebrate, lemme know. other than that have an awesome bday, take care and keep remembering the good ol days, cause pretty soon theyre going to be gone and youll have to make new memories...as you can see my time is almost up and im near nostalgia and i havent even graduated yet...BOOOO anyway, just remember the safe house :) and my apartment across the street, and the safe house and the many kegs AT the safe house. have a good one, take care,
Thank you muchly, Becca :-D... Unforunately, Circuit City will be keeping me in Huntington for the majority of the holidays, so most of my birthday celebration plans have disintegrated into getting trashed ON my birthday, and then having to work the next day... But alas, I will find some time after the holidays to get out to the 'due and I'm sure we can work something out then. As for the Safe House, that's really one of the only good memories I have left to hang on to out there (in reference to brotherhood), and those memories are quite cloudy - I'm sure there's a reason for that; I just can't remember what it is ;-)
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