Sunday, December 19, 2004

Bush Named Time's 2004 Person of the Year

Bush Named Time's 2004 Person of the Year

Time Magazine has named its 2004 Person of the Year, adding insult to the injury of the "heated" 2004 Presidential Election. Seriously, though, I recognize the determination required to stand face to face in defiance against popular opinion (no offense, befuddled masses, but mob mentality is soooo last millenium...) Props to the W. I have a feeling that John Kerry would've been GQ posing had the election gone differently, but apples being apples and all, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged

I shall read tonight... The following book is now open for discussion.



Woooooork..... I'm meeeeelting..... tooooo muuuuch chriiiiiistmaaaas.....

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Eye Candy

Checkin' in. Work and holiday stress have kept the writing at bay for a bit, but that doesn't mean I can't at least give you some eye candy! And while you're looking, make sure to check out my Froogle Wish List, which is also linked from my profile. Enjoy the pics!

Lorin has been busy lately working and doing the finals thing... She's also painting a Red Bull (get it?)... Art is fun.

I like this picture because it looks like she's in the act of painting... and because she's beautiful... Posted by Hello

This picture is from a while ago during the Presidential debates.

Seth, Brad, and I love W.... Really.... Posted by Hello

Blair the Hawaiian skateboarding prodigy says what up... Posted by Hello

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Macromedia Central is Cute and Fluffy!

I strongly suggest that you check out this early-stage application from Macromedia. It's capable of a lot already, and I have a feeling the concept is going to become a popular one on the internet in the next year. I have AIM running on it, as well as a RottonTomatoes movie picker, the weather, an incredibly powerful guitar chord/tab app, and a blog reader (you can add Atom and RSS feeds to check your friends' blogs just like the major news feeds and whatnot). My Atom feed is available at

In other news, I've never been much of an artist - at least not when the medium wasn't digital. The other day, my girlfriend - who happens to be an incredibly talented artist - was drawing a picture in my office and I decided I wanted to try my hand. Keep in mind that I haven't drawn anything really since art class in middle school, and even then I hated drawing. I don't know what was different the other day, but I was extremely pleased with what I produced. Here for your viewing pleasure, I present "Stitch at the Bar", obviously inspired by my approaching 21st birthday, and, well, Stitch.

See the peanuts? ;-) Posted by Hello

Meega na la kweeeeesta! Posted by Hello

Have a great day!

Monday, December 06, 2004

Are You of Legal Drinking Age?

That's right, folks. I'm closing in on two weeks until the 2-1. With bittersweet sorrow I reminisce the many young drinking binges. The rebellious adrenaline rush long ago vanished, ridiculous benchmarks have been put into place, and I decidedly command an overabundance of drinking stories of all shapes, sizes, and ethnicities.... I feel like I've earned my badge, and while I fully intend to exercise my soon newly-acquired rights to the fullest extent, forgive me for being less than ecstatic about taking one more step into the twenties...

I AM, however, excited about buyin' me some beer! Perfect weather for drinkin', that's fer damn sure!

"That's why Donovan drinks cool, refreshing Keystone Light..." Posted by Hello

One of my favorite qualities of beer is that it invariably engages me in an exploration of the many intricate wonders of music. I thought it was just me, but here's Donovan (my roommate from Purdue, by the way, for those of you who don't know him) in the midst of his own musical epiphany.

"The greatest band ever..." Posted by Hello

Of course, we all know that beer does have its downfalls. Well.... ok... maybe it has downfalls for some people, but I've never experienced them myself. Here's a good example, though.

That's right, kids. Drink beer. Everybody's doin' it. Posted by Hello

And in conclusion.... IN conclusion... the greatest band ever... Phish.

The Phantom of the Opera

In Select Cities December 22

Wow... this is a big one. Movie musicals in the 21st Century are few and far between. They're incredibly difficult to pull off; especially something as timeless as Andrew Lloyd Webber's masterpiece. I'm skeptical about the casting already just from listening to the trailers, but I have faith in Joel... *fingers crossed*

I would like to point out the premier date, in case you hadn't already noticed. I'm in for a kickass 21st birthday...

Saturday, December 04, 2004

United Methodists defrock lesbian minister

The Washington Times - Pottstown, PA - December 3

This is a good example of an acceptable forum for dissent against homosexuality. This isn't. Neither is this nor this.

I'm taking this opportunity to mention my feelings on the whole gay marriage issue. I think the forum for discussing the divine limits of marriage is the social hall - again, not the front steps of our state capitals, or even our nation's capital for that matter. Marriage is a religious sacrament no different from Communion or Baptism in the eyes of the Church; a vow of mutual devotion between two people made before the eyes of God - Priest and all. The idea of legislating marriage is no less laffable in my eyes than a state law prohibiting gays from receiving Communion. How about a constitutional amendment prohibiting Arabs from coming in contact with Holy Water. These are issues for the Church to confront - not the government. How have gay marriage laws found their way onto state ballots across the country? I can't even imagine.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances

First Amendment - US Constitution

Marriage isn't an example of the exercise of religion? Wouldn't a legislative ban on gay marriage prohibit gays from practicing religion? I think we need to make a clean cut between marriage and the idea of civil union for legal purposes. When you get married in the eyes of God, you should also have to register the union in the eyes of the State in a separate motion. Leave gay marriage to the Church to ban - You can be certain most will, but for all civil purposes, why shouldn't two men, two women, or a man and a woman consent to share their legal rights free from persecution - what part of the Constitution distinguishes a man's vote from a woman's, again? Two people, two votes. Holy matrimony, civil unity.

Friday, December 03, 2004

In Answer to Your Question

Coheed and Cambria

Since my profile will never be able to hold them all, listed below are some of my many favorite musical artists/bands (in no particular order, for the most part)... I post this so you can laugh at my insane taste in music, or, perhaps more appropriately, to facilitate some music talk on here in the future. That would be nice!

Coheed and Cambria, Eminem, 50 Cent, Elliot Smith, Jamie Cullum, The Pixies, Outkast, Lucky Boys Confusion, Sublime, Rent, Dizzee Rascal, The Streets, The Beatles, Bjork, Bright Eyes, David Banner, Twista, Christie Front Drive, Coldplay, Muse, Dave Matthews, Death Cab for Cutie, Dean Martin, Toby Keith, Harry Connick Jr, Fugazi, Further Seems Forever, Garth Brooks, Green Day, Hey Mercedes, Hot Water Music, ICP, Jeff Buckley, Jets to Brazil, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Josh Groban, Led Zeppelin, Mr Magic, Phil Collins, Phil Vassar, Phish, Piebald, The Postal Service, Radiohead, Rascal Flatts, Reggie and the Full Effect, Talib Kweli, Tenacious D, Tim McGraw, Tom Waits, Usher, Wyclef Jean

Ukrainian Supreme Court rules election results invalid

I must say, it's nice having a tried and true elaborate democratic electoral system established. It's also fun to watch the evolutionary process newer democracies inevitably enjoy - when the demos realizes its power to ignite change from the top down (checked by carefully implemented safeguards against majority tyranny and various other potential downfalls of democratic government), the result is a rapid drilldown toward a fully settled, intricately designed stream system of government Of the People that works For the People because it's By the People. I'm sure you've heard the words before. It looks to me like opposition candidate Viktor Yushchenko will be taking the Ukrainian crown of power as a result of their Supreme Court's ruling negating the second round of run-off voting there. The question of the day is "How would a run-off election play into the American Presidential selection process?" More on that later.

What are you?

WHAT ARE YOU? Posted by Hello

I swear to God it was the first click. Enjoy this little treat courtesy of some crazy cat down at Auburn. Oh my. Look at the time.

Life in the Fast Lane

Life in the fast lane... Posted by Hello

You'll have to forgive the lack of standard introduction...

Hello, world! Blahblahblah blah blahblah blah!

I'll try to get it in when the mood strikes me. I just wanted an empty text field to grind out some of the thought congestion I've been having lately. Oh, sure, you'll probably be looking for a topical announcement - We humans and our incessant desire for order, categorization, nomenclature... I'm just not ready to sign a letter of intent on this one yet. I hope to make this blog as lucid and transient (or as concrete and focused) as the ideas I've got cruisin' around in my head. Welcome to the freeway, folks... Live it. Love it. Learn it. That's life in the fast lane.