Hey! What if I updated this thing? Wouldn't that be weird?
Problem is I get tongue-tied every time I try to say what I want to say...
The details of my vacation have been withheld at the request of the CIA. They are now need-to-know classified pending further investigation.
Not much in the way of an update so far, I suppose. I'm taking a voluntary sabbatical from
alcohol for the month of April. Really, I started about a week ago. So far, so good, though there was a hearty bout between the little guys chilling on my right and left shoulders earlier this evening in front of the fridge.
In entertainment, lately I'm bouncing back and forth between C.S. Lewis and my new TV adventure,
Gilmore Girls. If you have any comments about the implications of my enjoyment of the show, I invite you to direct them to my bulging bicep, who will more than likely direct his secretary, my right fist, to take a message on your face. ;-) No, seriously though.
Lauren Graham and
Alexis Biedel are both hott as hell. (Author's note: Those of you who know me best should know that I had to look up both of those names. I only know them as Lorelai and Rory Gilmore. I'm not good with actors' and actresses' names, social lives, or fashion faux pas. Lorelai, by the way, is a beautiful name.) The dialogue on the show is written by somebody with a measurable IQ (that's an anomaly in Hollywood) Plus, there's a healthy level of sexual mother-daughter innuendo which keeps me coming back for more. Honestly, it's a good show. I had no idea what it was until recently, even though it has apparently been on the air since 2000. I've almost burned through season one now. Between that and C.S. Lewis's gripping literature, I find myself with just enough free time to work out, run, clean, and cook myself ridiculously healthy meals in between work and sleep. All in all, I'm content. Now let's go to Ollie with the
Black-U-Weather Forecast. Ollie?
"It's gon' rain!"
Thanks, Ollie. Tune in next time when we uncover the truth about Roald Dahl. Great British novelist or sick, twisted megafruitophile?
Oh, one more thing. This is serious.
I love you. I miss you. You were more to me than you'll ever know.

Rest in peace. :'(