(Warning: Long post.... and I can't figure out where paragraph breaks should go when I'm drunk... You know you want to read this anyway)
To kick things off, today was a great day at work. I finished my last day of training, so on Wednesday I start making some tips, which should be enjoyable. After I was done with my shift, I got to start my wine-tasting venture, which I get to continue until I've tried every kind of wine we have, including the reserves and whatnot. That was pleasant. I also got a free shot of our new gin, Stellar, which lives up to its title, if I do say so myself. It's "citrus-infused". I even ordered a Stellar Tonic after I tried it because I liked it so much. I tried the Chicken Marsala tonight (two herb-grilled chicken breasts smothered in marsala wine sauce with portobello mushrooms and sun-dried tomatoes, if you're interested... actually, I'm just testing my menu knowledge, so shut up and listen). Around the time I finished eating, two of the girls I work with called me over to the table at which they were seated (don't end clauses with prepositions) and informed me that I would be accompanying them to the Evansville night scene. I was left with no choice but to agree, since I don't know anyone here, and off we went to the one bar/restaurant I've ever been to in this city besides Pasta Grill, called The Fox and the Hound. We didn't stay there very long before I decided I wanted to see something new, so they took me to the most redneck bar I've ever seen, Laura's Place. There was a band there that was actually incredibly talented, and I danced around while they played their country whatnot. I was shocked when they actually played some George Clinton song.
(I would like to take this time to apologize for the inferior quality of writing of this post.... I'm drunk. This would be a good time for me to tell you about the week I'll never remember. Initiate launch sequence... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....)
My "summer vacation" really only consisted of about 14 days of vacation. I took twelve hours this summer at Marshall, I waited tables at the Hall of Fame for a few months, and I suffered through a friend's messy divorce, so I wouldn't call the rest of my summer anything but gruesome. Needless to say, when it ended I felt compelled to do some catching up, but in the process of moving to Indiana and finalizing things and such, I guess I neglected to do any of that (with the exception of my moving out party at the apartment and Nam's little shindigs..... those are some fiestas I really will never.... errr..... remember...) I got to Evansville, a nice little city of nothing where I know noone, and it only took me about 6 days to realize that I was an under-partied, lonely bastard with a slightly improved physique (what is there to do in this town besides work out? I'm only just finding out....) Toss in a dash of women, and you've got yourself a recipe for disaster.... and by disaster, I mean I left my apartment at 12:30am and drove my ass through every cornfield in Indiana all the way up to West Lafayette, proud home of the Boilermakers and a few of my best friends on the planet. ETA - 4:20. (Isn't it ironic? Don't ya think? It's like raaa-i-aaaain.......) So...... as soon as I hit the door of JC and DD's house, I pretty much collapsed on the floor. I don't really remember much after that until Jon walked into the room where I had crashed out and uttered some obscenities about some unexpected random body on his floor (I had neglected to alert Jon to my arrival for the sheer surprise factor). I only intended to stay at Purdue for about 2 days, but something about the way I woke up at 8:30 that morning to Jon's familiar expletivity should've told me I wouldn't be leaving for a while. Seven days, to be exact.
Well, kiddies, I think that's enough for tonight. This story's going to have to come in parts.... I think that's appropriate, though, all things considered. It was, after all, the week I'll never remember. It's not like I'm going to forget ;-)
Until next time,
Hearts and Amnesia
(to be continued)
you should continue this...i am having a lot of trouble remembering the week myself
Done aaaaaaaaaaaand.....
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