Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Sometimes I Struggle to Breath

I'm not feeling part three right now, but I just want to type something. I can feel tension mounting in my blood as more and more is piled onto my plate. I've had several incredibly productive days in a row here, but it seems like a one step forward - two steps back kind of thing is going on... maybe just one step back, but still, that's like standing still. Why am I working so hard and getting so much done if I'm standing still? I don't know.

I didn't work out at all today. Maybe that's why I feel so blah. Wait. Now I remember. Last night.

This whole campaign thing is a bit overwhelming, especially when I need to be focusing on populating my bank account right now, but I can't stop thinking about it. I've already done a lot of work, and I anticipate a lot more soon, but I'm thinking that it would probably be a good idea to take a step back for a little while and get things in order here in Indiana before I dive headfirst into a necessarily gruesome year-long endeavor.

I'll feel a lot better about everything when I find a law firm that will hire me. It might help if I actually tell them that's my plan. I doubt they're going to start knocking on my door any time soon. Know any good lawyers in Evansville, anyone? ;-)

Ok...... a little typing (and breathing) has gone a long way. I feel better already. I think tonight I'm going to stay home and find out what the Qur'an has to say about life. I've been meaning to do that for a while now. I just haven't had made the time.

Damp blue light ripples across the page as the moon reassuringly climbs the midnight sky once more.

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