Tuesday, July 18, 2006

And the Espy Goes To...

I hope to chronicle "Road Trip 2k6" here in the next few days. There should be plenty of pictures and stories to fill in a whole slew of posts. The only missing ingredient here is the dedication of the author (me). Since it's been what seems like ages since I've thrust my thoughts upon the internets, I doubt I have very many readers.

Prove me wrong. Motivate me.

You may ask yourself, "If Adam is having a hard time feeling motivated to write about his trip, why does he suddenly feel motivated enough to write about writing about it?"

Actually, you probably aren't asking yourself that. That was a complicated, jumbled, inefficient thought.

Point is, though, that something else inspired me to poke my head into the world wide web. This Jason McElwain kid, J-Mac, is incredible. I just wanted to share this picture with anybody who wanted to see it. I don't know about you, but it gives me the chills. Not the creeped out chills, but the ones I get when I see ginormous fireworks exploding across a patriot sky. Good chills. Kiss that Espy, killer. You earned it.

Blogging is so therapeutic. I should do it more often.

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