Saturday, May 27, 2006


Serenity is paramount.

My phone doesn't work. Aside from building a boat dock, a ramp, and a few fires, I have no responsibilities whatsoever. I have no schedule. I don't have to worry about money, people, noise, pollution..... pretty much the only concern I have is for the bugs. I'll survive them though.

Lake Michigan is absolutely gorgeous. The weather is impeccable. The flight in was quick and uneventful (which is usually better than the alternative). I can feel my chest relaxing for the first time in months. I kicked up dirt on the shores of Lake Michigan this morning. It's a little more awe-inspiring than the Ohio.

Honestly, I couldn't be happier right now. I'm going to go play the guitar or read or indulge some other guilty pleasure I never find time for in the "real world". Catch ya on the flip side.

I'll be camping tonight when the moon kisses the midnight sky.

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