Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Wind Up

If I had a summer to speak of, this would be it. That's right, I'm less than 3 months away from West Lafayette, IN. Work's going well, I've got some pretty sweet vacation lined up for the next couple of months, and then I've got to redirect all my energy into academia.

Milton wrote a dissertation on his idea of an ideal education. I won't bore you with the gory details, but I was interested and pleased that he included physical exercise, diet, and theological study as integral parts of the broader whole. His school varied little from those of Aristotle, Isocrates, Plato, Galileo Galilei, and the host of poets, philosophers, and kings who were raised under their tutelage. These aren't men who "took themselves too seriously" as a principle. Prima facie, they took the world seriously and made serious endeavors to wield what knowledge it presented them to forge for mankind its future. From the die of their lives we have cast the blazons of intelligence, fortitude, temperance..... These are not emblems to be cast down and forgotten, nor to be worshipped as unattainable idols of men before our time. They are a compass-head for those men and women willing to sacrifice comfort, fortune, and companionship to the glory of God and His creation.

How's that for letting go of myself? Come to think of it, how cowardly is that? And what a tragic shame.

1 comment:

AdamNation said...

I will call you tomorrow, Commander Hunt.