Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Liberals Are Always Wrong

Liberals have been wrong about everything in the last half-century. They were wrong about Stalin (praised in the New York Times and known as "Uncle Joe" to Franklin Roosevelt). They were wrong about Reagan (won the Cold War and now polling as the greatest president of the twentieth century). They were wrong about the Soviet Union (defeated by the twentieth century's greatest president). They were wrong even about their precious "Abraham Lincoln brigade" in the Spanish Civil War (the disgorging of Soviet archives proves that the Lincoln brigade was part of "a rigidly controlled Soviet operation"). They were wrong about Nicaragua (communist dictatorships in Latin America turned out not to be "inevitable revolutions," after all). They were wrong about welfare (since overhauled by Republicans to notable success). They were wrong about crime (Giuliani's achievement is evident in the number of candidates who promise to continue his policies). They were wrong about social security (now bankrupt). They were wrong about the Civil Rights Act (which was neeever going to be used as an instrument of discrimination against whites). They were wrong on the sexual revolution (witness the explosions of AIDS, herpes, chlamydia, hepatitis B, and abortion).

It is not an accident that, today, the left's single biggest cause is "global warming" This time, conservatives won't be able to prove them wrong for a thousand years.

This is another Ann Coulter quote from the end of Slander, and I find it screamingly hilarious. (I also find it stunningly accurate ;-))


Anonymous said... can one be wrong about a sexual revolution?
also, revolutions in south america, nicaragua included, were never communist. They were not backed by the soviet union. Yes, they did have soviet weapons, but then again, who didnt? They were available to just about any group of people bent on fucking things up. Anytime there was any commotion in south america in the 80's the government used the old trick of tellign everyone it was those damn communists to enlist support against them. these people were not communist, they simply wanted redistribution of land which was theres in the first place. i was going somewhere else with this but i lost my train of though.

oh yeah, anne coulter can eat a dick, not mine though eeewwww

Anonymous said...

I find it kind of sad that you're an Ann Coulter fan. I consider you to be a pretty diplomatic guy who generally doesn't take shit from anyone, no matter which side of the middle the fall on. But Ann Coulter almost never says anything worth reading, as far as I can tell. In fact, she's basically built her career on name-calling, not on saying anything that's valuable to our national political dialogue.

AdamNation said...

Read Ann Coulter ;-) She may be mean, but that doesn't detract from her correctness (although I do agree that it detracts from her debate credibility)