Thursday, October 06, 2005

My First Photo Set

As of my last post, I've posted a total of 52 times. That's one for every week in the year. I'm impressed.

Today I didn't have to work at Express OR the Grill, so I lazed around. It's BadAdam's birthday, so I talked to him for a little while, which was extra funtastic. Then I went for a walk and took some pictures of Newburgh, mostly the riverfront where I run every day. I hope you enjoy them half as much as I do.

That's all for now. I'm going to go to the brother's house for a little bit. I'll be back later for some bookology. I'm not at all tired of Ayn Rand, but I'm tired of having Ayn Rand left to read ;-) Let's see.... only 1,800 pages to go. Oh good.

I shall try to be in bed before the moon reaches its peak in the midnight sky tonight. I have to work 10-4 and 5-close tomorrow.

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